PrimoPhoto Online Guide

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Import Photos to iPhone

PrimoPhoto turns the tedious iPhone photo syncing procedure into one-click task. With this iPhone Photo Transfer software, you can simply drad-n-drop the photos on your computer, right onto your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch through a clear-cut interface.

Step 1

Install PrimoPhoto on your Windows or Mac computer > Open it and you'll see its welcome interface:

Welcome to PrimoPhoto Pro

Step 2

Connect your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch to your computer with an USB cable > After PrimoPhoto loads your photos, choose Import to Device:

Import to Device

Step 3

1. You have three ways to choose photos on your computer:

Import Photos to iPhone

2. Review your selected photos in Preview window by clicking the Eye icon:

Review Selected Photos

3. After choosing your photos, you can set the target album on your device:

Choose Albums

4. If you have checked everything up, then click Import button to start:

Start Importing Photos

5. Your iPhone photo importing will be done shortly, and on the result windows, you can check how many photos have been imported or open the output folder:

Photo Importing Complete

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