PrimoPhoto Online Guide

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What's PrimoPhoto?

PrimoPhoto is a Windows / Mac desktop software focusing on your commonly experienced iPhone photo problems, such as deleting photos by mistake, Live Photos are not shareable through Whatsapp, iPhone is running out of storage, etc.


Instead of being inspired by Amazon's Prime Photo, the name PrimoPhoto is just a shortened version of PrimoSync Photo Transfer. Although this name is similar to other kind of products, it must be a pure coincidence as our PrimoPhoto has a different design philosophy than most.


PrimoPhoto comes with a full set of iPhone photo management features, including:

1. Offload Camera Roll photos from iPhone, iPad to Windows / Mac computer;

2. One-click to import photos from computer to Apple devices without iTunes;

3. Sort iPhone photos by albums, file name, file size, taken time, etc.;

4. Support safe deleting photos in batch mode;

5. Support managing multiple Apple devices at the same time;

6. Support drag-n-drop interface to import photos from computer to device;

7. Support slideshowing photos in a stand-alone window;

8. Support rotating photos to other angle for better viewing;

9. Support turning Live Photos and other video recordings to shareable GIFs;

10. Support freeing up more storage space on iPhone and iPad.


During the entire product designing process, we beared in mind that users deserve a truly fast, simple and flexible iPhone photo manager software, and that's the reason we put up so many intuitive and creative designs in PrimoPhoto.

1. Starting Point

Welcome to PrimoPhoto Pro

2. Photos in Camera Roll

Photos in Camera Roll

3. Photos in Photo Library

Photos in Photo Library

4. Photos by Album

Photos by Album

5. Import Photos to iPhone

Import Photos to iPhone

6. Convert Live Photos to GIFs

Convert Live Photos to GIFs

4. Free Up Space

Free Up Space on iPhone

What’s Hot on PrimoSync

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